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  • Writer's pictureKatie Kaufman

How an aesthetic consultant can help you...

Aesthetic Practices are becoming more prevalent then ever with the projections of an even greater boom of the industry. Many possess skilled injectors or naturally persuasive practitioners that create a differentiator in order to attract and retain patients. What should you do if you can't seem to find that "it" factor? This is where an aesthetic consultant can help!

The skills taught in aesthetics, or medicine in general are focused on patient safety and results. What is missing? Managing and running a business. In reality, the performance of the treatments is a small factor compared to the all of the work that should be dedicated to the attraction, conversion, and retention of patients. This side of an aesthetics practice is crucial for the success of the business.

Other aesthetic consultants may look directly at the numbers and while that is wonderful, the education of practitioners is our focus at K Aesthetic Consulting. We take an interest on those who will be interacting with the patients and influencing the patient spend. Our primary focus is on your front desk, aestheticians, nurses, etc. By teaching skills to enhance attraction, conversion, retention, and patient spend, we will be creating those persuasive practitioners to differentiate you from competitive practices.

Sound interesting? Book your complimentary call!


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